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Logotipo Amazon Local Icono de signo
Logotipo Amazon Local Icono de signo

Amazon Local

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Amazon Local was an Amazon app designed to offer users with updated deals on top notch products and local services. It was mostly used in the US for instant purchases of trending experiences and daily deals. As of December 2015, Amazon Local is no longer supported. Instead, please download the original Amazon app for full functionality from your Android smartphone. Another similar app to Amazon Local is Groupon, which also provides users with coupons for all kinds of local experiences and services. Spa appointments, gourmet restaurant meals and much more are all available via the official Groupon app for Android. That being said, if you're looking for your standard Amazon delivery experience, you're going to want to download the official Amazon app. Amazon Local was a deals and experiences app for your nearby surroundings and was closed in 2015. Again, this app is no longer functional.