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Thais Martiniano
¿Necesita mantenimiento remoto o acceder a otra computadora? ¡Entonces necesita conocer Anydesk, un programa de conexión remota multiplataforma!

Are you familiar with Anydesk? The platform for remote connection!

Some jobs are difficult to perform in person, especially basic computer maintenance. Therefore, working remotely on machines can be an advantage. For this function, there are tools like Anydesk. Want to know how he can help you? Follow this post to the end!

But what is Anydesk and how does it work?

Anydesk is a remote connection program, and through it you can connect and move on another computer. In other words, you have full access from one computer to another, you can open programs, perform tasks and much more. It has access to different platforms, with very interesting dynamics.

Basically, Anydesk operates through internal codes, one for each computer. Through it, you can connect with other PCs, entering the code of whoever wants to access. Then, the other machine receives an access request, and it may or may not reject that permission.

So you have the freedom of choice with Anydesk. That way, when you accept the connection, your computer is connected, and the other person can see everything inside the machine. Also, you can install programs and have complete freedom to be able to do updates, installations and other maintenance.

Anydesk's main strengths:

This is a very good support program used by many software maintenance and sales companies. Thus, it has several important facilities that can help in this type of work. So, know the main strengths of using Anydesk:

Ease of use

One of Anydesk's biggest advantages is that it is very easy to use, and has accessible language. So you don't need a lot of technology knowledge to find the tools, or learn how to use them. From the configuration to the execution of the program, everything is very simple.

Furthermore, the program is entirely in Portuguese, which makes it even easier to understand its use. The feeling is that everything in it is done to improve the way you interact with the app. Unlike other tools available where you must first learn how to use the program.

Interface and design

The program's interface is very well done: simple and light. There aren't thousands of non-coherent tools lying around, and it's quite pleasant to use. Almost everything is focused on practicality and user-friendliness. The design is simple and beautiful, without a lot of extravagance, but well done.

Cross-platform compatibility

Another important point is that Anydesk is a cross-platform program. This way, it makes life much easier for those who need to use it in different scenarios. Therefore, it has a very wide compatibility and is versatile for those who use it. So, don't expect a plastered program that needs add-ons, it's super complete.

Besides, it works for mobile devices too. This way, you can also connect different equipment and have access to the cell phone and through it too. This functionality of covering many different types of platforms is what makes Anydesk so essential.


Anydesk has several types of preventative measures to prevent you from suffering attacks. In addition, prompts prevent anyone from breaking into your computer without your permission. However, it is important to always be aware, as user failures can occur, and you yourself end up putting your computer at risk.

Are there any risks of using Anydesk?

As with all remote connection programs, there are risks in using Anydesk. However, these risks come from the user, not the application. That's because since you have a code for the connection, you can have problems if you don't pay attention while using your program.

So the tip is simple for usage rules: never share your code with anyone you don't know. Also, always check the permissions to connect notifications before accepting. If you use the program for software maintenance, always check with the company before connecting.

What is the summary about Anydesk: is it worth or not to download the program?

Anydesk is an excellent program, very functional and with great performance. However, it is important to note that, as it depends on your internet connection, some failures may occur as a result of signal oscillation. So always remember to check this if there are any problems.

That's because Anydesk has no apparent malfunctions, doesn't weigh on the computer, and operates optimally. Besides, it doesn't have such a huge hardware recruitment, and it can run well on all types of computers, even the oldest ones.

That's why it's worth downloading this program, especially if you have a large flow of remote maintenance. In this way, it can make the work much easier and help streamline your care. So, you can stamp that this app is excellent, and worth testing.

But if you want to discover other types of similar apps, we'll help you. We have more articles about remote connection programs, where you can learn about the main features. So, you'll be able to choose the best one according to your needs, enjoy!

Nuestra opinión sobre AnyDesk

AnyDesk es una gran solución para cualquier persona que necesite ayudar a alguien frente a la PC, pero no puede hacerlo. La herramienta es capaz de garantizar el acceso completo a la computadora de cualquier persona a través de Internet, básicamente de la misma manera que con TeamViewer.

La diferencia entre los dos programas es que AnyDesk es más simple y directo. Tiene una interfaz más intuitiva que se asemeja a Google Chrome, incluso trabajando con un sistema de pestañas para abrir contenido extra. A pesar de ello, no es posible controlar más de un Escritorio Remoto en la misma ventana, y el programa abre automáticamente un segundo para tal fin. Estéticamente, esta interfaz es muy agradable a la vista, con colores sólidos y elementos bien espaciados.

Funciona bien
En nuestras pruebas, AnyDesk funcionó perfectamente bien, sin ninguna interrupción en la conexión. Pese a ello, los sonidos que emite el ordenador controlado tardan un poco en llegar al controlador, pero esto ya era de esperarse porque es un servicio que funciona vía internet.

Es interesante notar que AnyDesk no necesita estar instalado para funcionar. A pesar de esto, algunas funciones, como la que inicia las conexiones automáticamente, solo son posibles después de la instalación. De cualquier manera, el control remoto funciona con el programa simplemente ejecutándolo como una aplicación portátil.